We remodeled our kitchen about 6 years ago and ever since then, I've been looking for an island that would fit with at least 2 stools. The problem is, while our kitchen is not small...it's not huge so I had to find an island that was just the right size (not so big that it wouldn't fit, but not so small that you could not sit/eat there). Well...it took almost 6 years of searching, measuring and trying but we finally found one that fit and looks (we think) really good! This was one of those purchases where you think, "gosh (financially) not the best time to buy but it's taken so long to find that if I don't get it, I'll kick myself later". Bailey thought it was pretty neat eating breakfast there this week. We have to be careful to be close by because the stool is pretty high and she still has that "high chair confidence" where she thinks she can wiggle/move all over with no problem. The "problem" with the stool is there are no sides and it's about 3 feet of the ground. But, as my mom (the YiaYia) likes to remind me, "she'll only get bigger" so we know she'll grow into it.
Bailey also got the chance to go over to Evan's this week (her BFF). The girls played and Bailey got a chance to sit at the piano in her home. She loves pianos. Each time we're somewhere with a piano, Bailey is immediately drawn to it. Her future definitely includes piano lessons. I've wanted to learn for years so, who knows....maybe Mommy and Bailey will learn together! :)
Lots of love to you all!