There are times when I'm really not smart enough to be Bailey's mom. Many times that I am just "winging it" and praying that I don't screw her up. She's always been a smart and curious child but over the past couple of months, she's really increased her number of questions. At least 10 times a day I get questions like, "what do whales eat?", "do giants grow?", "where do squirrels sleep?", "can a horse jump over a car?"....cute little random stuff such as that. Half of the time, I can answer her...the other half of the time my answer is, "we'll have to Google that".
Every once in a while however, she asks me deep questions, you know...the ones that make you squirm a little. A few days ago, she asked me, "if you and daddy both go to heaven together, who will take care of me....YiaYia and Popo?". Crushed me. I,of course, had to tell her that daddy and I were not going to heaven together and that neither of us was going to heaven for a very, very long time. Still...she is growing and learning and Tom and I can only pray that we're smart enough to answer the questions. Praise God for His wisdom because I gotta tell you....not even Google has all the answers.
Pictures below are from my cell phone last week. We were in the mall and Boo was eating an ice cream cone. She stuck her face flat into the cone (which cracked us up), then she said (rather frustrated) that she could not bite the ice cream (it was already down past the cone). We explained that she need to bite the cone first (which is funny because she's had ice cream cones before, but I guess we've always taken bites of the cone before her). Once we explained how it worked, she laughed and continued on... finishing every last bite :)