Boo is an
offical "preschooler". She went to what is called
Pre-K 3 last year but...I guess I would be a traditionalist because, for me, preschool is the year before
kindergarten which, for us, is this year. Bailey went back to the same school (at a local church) and we LOVE her teacher! I'm really excited for both this year and next year as I really like both teachers.
Boo was
SOOO excited for school! This past weekend she kept saying, "I'm so excited for my first day of school!" :) Monday morning when I woke her up, she rolls over and in this incredibly adorable half asleep voice she says, "first day of I come". TOO CUTE!
We are technically paying for 5 mornings a week however, for now she's only going 3 (
MWF). I'm not ready to give up my time with her. I guess is that traditional/old fashion way of thinking but I always pictured my children in preschool 2-3 mornings a week,
kindergarten 5 mornings a week and then first grade their first year of all-day school. Either that...or maybe after so many years of begging God for a baby, I'm just not ready to let go. Good thing she's only 4! :)
After the first of the year, if she wants to go 5 mornings a week I might make that offer simply because the baby will be here and I think she might have more fun at school then at home while the baby is (God-willing) napping. Right now we're able to go fun places on the two mornings that she's home but...I know this will change once baby brother is born. For now...she's having a great time with the new experience of PK4. She has 2 girls from last years class and 1 boy from our church and all this (plus being familiar with the building) seems to have made her much more comfortable in the classroom. The difference between this year and last year is very noticeable. I really think it's going to be a great year :)
She would have wore sandles, but the school asks that
they wear tennis shoes (the playground has wood chips).