I hear those beautiful words at least 5x a day...."Mommy, do you want to play with me?". Tom hears it the moment he gets home from an appointment, "Daddy...do you want to play?". Next to "I love you", I think those have to be the most beautiful words. Sadly however, I am often busy (or lately) just too darn tired to play and my beautiful girl has to play on her own. She does well playing on her own but, it's not how I want it to be. The reason for this is simple...the day will come (and I'm afraid all too fast for me) when
she won't want to play with me.
Glenna and I were talking about this, this past week. Before we know it...our girls will stomp off to their rooms and close their doors. Gone will be the days of, "Mommy, do you want to play with me?". It's coming much, much too quickly for me. Both Glenna and I were "good girls". We weren't rebels, we didn't get into or cause trouble but still, we both hit that phase in our lives when our mothers knew nothing and we had no desire to spend time with them. Man...it breaks my heart to think that someday Boo will feel that way about me. If you could see me now, you would see my face covered with tears. Honestly...this part of motherhood sucks. No one warns you for the day that your children won't want you...no one warns you for the day that your children won't (really)
need you. Even though it's your job to raise a confident, able and independent adult...no one warns you just how much that part of the job will hurt.
So...for now, I'm grabbing all the moments I can. I drag my tired self up or put the work aside for a few to say "Yes baby girl, I would love to play with you".