Brandon Elijah is 7 months old today; it's been a
wonderful 7 months! Brandon is SUCH a joy! He's a really happy baby. The pictures below were taken last week at The Picture People. CUTE, CUTE, CUTE...if this mama may say so herself :)
Little man's last pediatrician's appointment was yesterday (his 6 month visit got a little mixed up so we pushed it to 7 months). He is now a very squishy 19.3lb and 26.75 inches. This puts him at 50% on the growth chart for weight and about 40% for height :) His hair is a dirty blond and his eyes are still blue. He makes the sweetest little sucking sound with his lips... kind of like he's sucking and licking his lips at the same time. I just want to kiss and squeeze him when he does this. Actually, I want to kiss and squeeze him even when he doesn't :)
Brandon now sits up very well on his own. He loves to eat (shocker, I know!) and will reach for anything that you are eating. He still doesn't care for tummy time but will now prop up on straight arms for a few seconds before rolling over to his back. He's getting stronger there but doesn't show a huge interest in crawling. I have to admit though...I'm not in a huge hurry for him to start (crawling) because I know he's going to be VERY busy once he's mobile! Currently he's wearing size 6-9 months but I'm pretty sure he'll be in (just) 9 month clothes by middle to end of July. He can still fit size 3 diapers but we just finished the last box I had last week so I'm putting him in size 4 because I have several boxes of those. I still haven't put shoes on his feet, even though I have a few really cute pairs in different sizes. I'll probably try them in the fall, when it's cooler. Brandon stopped letting me rock him to sleep a few weeks ago. Makes me a little sad, but I guess I should appreciate that he goes to sleep on his own! He is able to put the pacifier back into his mouth when it falls out (this includes at night unless he cannot reach it). I do lay him on his back to sleep, but last week he started rolling onto his side and now spends quite a bit of time sleeping that way. No teeth yet, but he drools like a Saint Bernard!
Everywhere I go, people stop to tell me just how beautiful he is. Thank you, very much. I agree :)