Sunday, July 29, 2012


Bath night is every night at our house.  Each night, Boo takes her bath while Brandon gets his last bottle for the day, then Bailey gets out and gets dressed for bed while I get Brandon undressed for his bath.  Next Boo watches a video while I bathe Brandon and put him down for bed....after it's Bailey's turn to go to sleep.

Last night they were so sweet together (actually, they're almost always sweet together...just not usually in the buff :o), that I had to snap a couple of quick photos.  Apparently not quick enough as our little man did manage to go potty during this mini photo shoot (discovered after I picked him up and the towel was wet in only one area) but's what you risk when capturing these sweet moments :o)


Friday, July 27, 2012


Our little man has hit another milestone!  He's now a clapping fool! :)  The second video is a mini-performance by Boo.  She likes to make up songs for us :)   Now Brandon can clap along with Mommy and Daddy after sissy gives us all a show! :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Hey...where is that silly bite?! :) NOTE the small tooth!

Let me see if it's in my mouth...nope, not there!

Hey...what dropped down there?

Ah ha...there it is!  I'm going to eat you!!
NOTE: the tongue, he is really concentrating :)

Success is good....and cute :)

Monday, July 23, 2012


My babies are growing and each has their own learning curve.  They are both working hard to learn and master new things.  Bailey has some workbooks that she'll do (when I remember to put them in front of her!) that help keep her focused on learning and sharp for school.  She enjoys learning so it's not hard to get her to sit down and do an activity.  Typically I try and have her work on writing or math... the project below was drawing a house.  Bailey would much rather give us a show, a performance, to "act out a house" but she still followed the instructions, worked hard at it and did a really good job :) 

The bottom picture, Bailey is trying to figure out when Brandon will master his learning curve...I'll post about that, next time around! :)

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Our mornings and evenings are pretty routine in our family...I find that it works better for our children (and mommy quite frankly) if it's that way :o) I took this video yesterday morning, so the YiaYia could see what her babies do in the morning.  Not terribly exciting (well, Brandon does get a little excited at one point :o) but...still super sweet.

Also, sorry for the quality of the video...Brandon was about 8 inches from my face and I was using Tom's cell phone to take the video :o)


Thursday, July 19, 2012

8 MONTHS....

Our little man is 8 months old today!  Time continues to just fly by much, much too quickly.  I've said it before, but it's so true that I have to say it again....Brandon is a joy.  He's such a wonderful baby: very happy, lots of snuggles and wet kisses...just awesome. 

These past few weeks we've seen a few milestones:  he now rolls from his back to his tummy (he's rolled from his tummy to his back for the past 4 months, but was really fighting the other direction :), he can wave hello and the first tooth has started to peek through!  He's not crawling yet, but he can scooch backwards on his belly and he does rock when I put him on his hand/knees so I think forward movement is coming soon!  Physically he is VERY strong...much stronger than I remember Boo being.  I now pull the side railing of the crib up at night, just in case he decides to start pulling himself up.  Next milestone is a sippy cup.  The boy LOVES drinking water so I'm going to buy a cup this weekend and let him try that out.  His talking has really picked up and he loves to dance :)  Oh...and as you'll see by the last picture below, sometimes (if he's really concentrating on something) he sticks his little tongue out to think.  So cute!! Lots of fun things with this special guy!

Our little man is growing and changing daily...and as sad as I get because it's all going so fast, I'm also so excited to watch him turn into the person that he's going to be.  I have a feeling that Brandon Elijah is going to be one special person...

Man this hand is good...
Mommy is so funny!

Thinking hard :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


JUMP!  That's Boo...given the chance, she'll run...hop...or climb her way to get somewhere.  Pretty funny for a little girl who can (most of the time) be sooo girlie :)

Looking so grown up...

Sunday, July 15, 2012


This past Friday, Chick-fil-A had their "Cow Appreciation Day".  The awesome thing about this day was, if you dressed up in "cow apparel", then Chick-fil-A gave you a FREE meal! We're a family who loves Chick-fil-A so this we awesome for us.  Bailey and I got all decked out ( the cow ears, not the best I agree :).  Tom got dressed up too, but he had to take the picture so you'll just have to take my word for it :)   Made for a wonderful lunch.  We all ate for 90 cents (and it only cost us that because I went back for ice cream).

I was going to dress up Brandon, but he was snoozing when we left so... we'll try again next year.  He did wake up in time to enjoy some ice cream though :)   He really LOVES ice cream.  The first time he tried it, he liked it but it didn't matter if I offered him ice cream or baby long as he was eating, he was happy.  This time around however yeah...don't try to offer him baby food when mama has ice cream.  Tom was holding him while I was trying to eat and the poor baby strained his neck so hard, trying to turn around and see me behind him, that I thought he was going to pop something!  Then I heard the grunting "mama" that he has started saying (yay!!)...but he really only says it if he wants to eat something or if he's really frustrated :)  That's okay though, I'll take it!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Bailey asked me to make a pirate hat last I pulled out a color sheet and did my best.  Now, the way Boo put it on her head (and Brandon's) it looks a little more like a fast food hat but hey...still pretty cute on my beautiful babies :)

I'm pretty sure it goes this way...
What's that thing up there??

There she is with that little black thing again...

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Like a lot of the country...we're pretty hot right now. Atlanta has seen temps over 100 degrees; combine that with the humidity and it can get kind-of tough.  One way to beat the heat, is the baby pool and ice cream (Boo also got in her swimsuit and ran through the sprinkler after finishing her snack :)  What you can't see in this video, is that Brandon has water all over his face.  He LOVES to splash!

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Brandon sleeps with a humidifier in his room, so there are times when he wakes up with this crazy curl on top of his head.  Cracks me up!   The only way to get rid of it, is to soak the front of this head and brush it down...any other way and it just pops back up! :)

On this particular morning, Boo was having one of her (many) photo shoots.  I think she's almost taken as many pictures of Brandon as I have :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Up until today....Brandon would not put food into his mouth (which is funny considering that he'll put just about everything else into there! :).  Until today, when I would try and hand him a bite he would bring his mouth down to my hand.  Well, apparently Mommy's hand was not quick enough today, apparently my looking at groceries in Kroger's caused too much of a delay because he got tired of waiting and starting grabbing :)  So I rushed over a couple of aisles to Tom and Bailey and had Tom use his cell phone to record the little man figuring things out.  It took a few times if he didn't finally get it!