This post is for the YiaYia (my mom).
You know how parents often say, "I hope that someday, you have a child that's
just like you"? And it's not said in love, but as more of a "payback". There's this mom in Bailey's class, she has two little boys and these boys are pretty darn hyper and they get into a good bit of trouble. I laughed one day when she told me that she had "earned these children". Apparently, she got into lots of trouble growing she laughs (and agrees) when her mom tells her that she earned her boys :0)
Well, I was a pretty good kid
however...I did have a tendency to be a little sassy. I also went through this phase where my parents knew nothing. At one point, I told my mom that my teachers at school knew more than her because, after all, they were my educators and she was just...well, my mom. Lovely, right? So, fast forward 25 years or so and I'm driving down the road with my beautiful girl who is telling me something about dinosaurs and she's kind-of making it up as she goes along :) Boo is telling me something, which I know is not true, but I had tried to correct her once and she got instead I let it go and told her, "wow, I did not know that". Her response (not sassy, but just in her cute matter-of-fact 5 year old way)..."I'm smarter than you".
I guess I earned this child :0)