Sunday, October 28, 2012


Someday, we will have horses.  It's always been a dream of mine and I hope that at least one of my children will share that passion.  Bailey expresses an interest, often, in getting a pony...but then again, what little girl doesn't? :0)   My prayer is that when she hits 11 or 12, we will be in the position to "add to our family".  I would love nothing more, than to take early morning rides with my girl...or my little guy if Brandon ends up being the one bitten by the horse-bug.

Tom tells me that Brandon "will love sports"...because he loves sports.  Well, if that's the case...then one of my children "will love horses".  He can stay inside and eat chips and yell at the TV.  I'll take the kids out, ride and explore. 

He may beg to differ but, I think I'd be getting the better end of the deal :0)

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Today we had a lot of fun doing a great activity...we visited a small farm in Oxford, Georgia.  They had some animals, a corn maze, a HUGE slide, hay ride and a bouncy house.  The weather was great, sunny and about 70 with a nice breeze.  Boo loved the big slide and I think would have ran through the corn maze two or three more times if we would have let her.  She got a kick out of the hay ride and enjoyed visiting the animals.  Brandon was pretty content "riding" on mommy, but he did want to get down a couple of times to run after sissy.  We're in trouble once this little man starts walking!  I'm not sure he'll do that much "walking" :0)

We ended up taking a ton of pictures so...I'll post some tonight and then some more tomorrow.

Happy Fall Y'all!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


This post is for the YiaYia (my mom).

You know how parents often say, "I hope that someday, you have a child that's just like you"?  And it's not said in love, but as more of a "payback".  There's this mom in Bailey's class, she has two little boys and these boys are pretty darn hyper and they get into a good bit of trouble.  I laughed one day when she told me that she had "earned these children".  Apparently, she got into lots of trouble growing she laughs (and agrees) when her mom tells her that she earned her boys :0)

Well, I was a pretty good kid however...I did have a tendency to be a little sassy.  I also went through this phase where my parents knew nothing.  At one point, I told my mom that my teachers at school knew more than her because, after all, they were my educators and she was just...well, my mom.  Lovely, right?  So, fast forward 25 years or so and I'm driving down the road with my beautiful girl who is telling me something about dinosaurs and she's kind-of making it up as she goes along :)  Boo is telling me something, which I know is not true, but I had tried to correct her once and she got instead I let it go and told her, "wow, I did not know that".   Her response (not sassy, but just in her cute matter-of-fact 5 year old way)..."I'm smarter than you". 

I guess I earned this child :0)


Monday, October 22, 2012


Boo does a great time playing with Brandon.  She will sit down and show him things and it's so cute to watch, because he listens so can see this in the pictures below.  I love watching her teach him and I adore watching him learn!  It's such an awesome privilege and it melts my heart every time.

During this particular learning time, Bailey thought she'd stop to take some pictures of Brandon...of course then she took the opportunity to teach him something by showing him his pictures on the camera :0)   What a great big sister!

Friday, October 19, 2012

11 MONTHS...

Here we are!  Our little man is11 month's old.  He is wonderful, beautiful and just about the most delicious thing ever!  He has become the master crawler and even though I keep "pushing" him down (I'm not ready for him to walk!) he is very close to standing.  We're going to Disney next month, so I'm really hoping that walking can wait until after then :0)

Brandon is at the age/stage where he puts almost EVERYTHING into his mouth.  I took the pictures below, in a matter of 5 minutes and I think I missed a couple of items! :0)

Our little man currently wears 12-18 month clothes, is in size 5 diapers and when I stood with him on the scale this past week, he was 24 lbs.  He found his talking voice this past month and like his daddy, can be very...very loud :0)  When you watch him, you can tell he's really soaking everything in.  He's interested in everything.  Loves stacking blocks, will actually push the ball back to you and only stops drinking his bottle if he hears Jake and the Neverland Pirates come on TV :0)  

Happy 11 months little man!  We are simply crazy for you...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


This past weekend we ventured up to the Georgia Apple Festival in Ellijay. It took a bit longer than we expected to get up there, but we had a great time once we arrived :0)  The weather was sunny and warm with a nice breeze that helped cool you off.   There were lots of arts-n-crafts to look at, foods to smell (hard to pass up a few of those!) and plenty of people to watch.  We even ran into a family from our church!  It was a fun fall activity.  Next in line, a corn maze and hay ride two weeks from now.  Gotta love this time of year!

I think he found my holding the camera out front funny :0)

Friday, October 12, 2012


Bailey had her first field trip experience this week; it was to a local firehouse.  She had a great time!  The kids got to listen/learn about fire safety, view a fire truck and watch a fire fighter get dressed up in his (very heavy) uniform.  It was a lot of fun :0)

Monday, October 8, 2012


I know I've already posted once about Brandon and his "aggressive lovin'", but it's so stinkin cute, that I thought it deserved another take :0).  I took this 6-8 weeks ago when we were out to Chick-fil-A of course!

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Falling more in love.  Each day, there's more to love about these two.  More frustrating moments?  You betcha.  But the love moments are far greater than anything else.  These two miracles melt this mama's heart so many times each and every day.  With Boo still being so eager to spend time with me (pretty much no matter what I'm doing) and Brandon reaching up his deliciously chubby, little roly poly arms, just begging for me to pick him up.  I am truly blessed.

Friday, October 5, 2012


Boo, of course, is not old enough to wear make-up but...when the time comes, I think I may need to give her a few pointers.  When Bailey was around age 3, she would watch me intently as I put on my make-up and when it came time to do my eyebrows or eyeliner, she'd call that "painting" my face.  Well, the other night during bath, Boo decided to "paint" her eyebrows with her bath crayons...and then waited to see if we noticed the difference. 

What a goof!  Such a silly, silly girl :0)

Oh, and yes, it was tough to get this stuff off.  I had to use make-up remover to do the trick!  I guess that's a sign of things to come :0)

Monday, October 1, 2012


But to fall in love with this little man...