Okay...so apparently no one broke the clock (or even took out the batteries!) because this little man is now (already) 15 months old! This past month his words have really started to pick up. Right now, Brandon can say: mama, dada, sissy, yiayia, popo, cup, on, more, amen, tom (that one cracks me up), meow, book, ball, car, squirrel, sock, shoes, nose, eye, mouth, hair, ear, hi, bye, nigh-night, blanket, no. Of course, he is only 15 months, so the pronunciation on a few of these can need a little translation but he is quickly fitting into this chatty family! :0)
Yep...still carrying the blanket in the mouth :0) |
Looking super cute in his overalls :0) |
Sissy always gives the best love! |
Fresh bump on the forehead...can't go a day without one! |
Nothing better then playing with Sissy! :0) |