Tuesday, April 30, 2013


But don't worry...we had a talk with him about it :0)

Guess this is what I get for leaving clean laundry
on the couch :0)

Friday, April 26, 2013


So it only took 48 hours for that second tooth to fall out :0)  My sweet girl started the week with a mouth full a baby teeth...now she's down two!

Thursday, April 25, 2013



Bailey finally lost her first tooth :0)   Her bottom two teeth have been loose for quite some time; one of them fell out yesterday.  The other is very loose and I can actually see the adult tooth coming in behind it so, I'm guessing that one will be out soon.  I checked her baby book and her front bottom teeth were the first to come in so... I guess (for her) first in means first out!

What a milestone big girl! :0)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


A couple of weeks back, we took the kids to the zoo.  Bailey had been asking to go since we went last fall, so we decided to once again purchase an annual pass (we last purchased one when Boo was around 2).  Bailey LOVES this show on PBS called Wild Kratts.  I have to admit, it's a really great show!  The basis are these two men (the Kratt brothers) and their adventures in the wild.  It tells children all about animals.  So much so, that I really should sit down and watch them with Boo so I know the the heck she's talking about :0)  Since finding that show (about a year ago) Bailey asks every couple of weeks to go to the zoo and with my homeschooling next year, I'm hoping to use some of our visits as educational field trips :0)

SO squeezable! :0)

Boo loves these silly statues...almost as much as the animals!
Guess it's just part of the full zoo experience 0)

My tall girl.  This was flat footed!

She still won't feed animals (which you can't
at the zoo, but can at other petting farms)
BUT she'll step up and brush them :0)

Great job Boo :0)

Monday, April 22, 2013


Saturday was Boo's first softball game (along with team photos)....she nailed it!  This was the first game where she really got into it.  She was focused when it came to batting and running the bases and (biggest surprise for us) she was focused in the outfield!  She watched for and ran after the ball!  Even if it wasn't in her "area" (at this age, they don't focus on areas as much as actual participation...which is great because we were just thrilled that she was running for the ball and not standing out there collecting rocks! :0). 

The weather was beautiful, the game was great and our little superstar rocked it. 

SUPER proud of you Boo!

Lovin' the purple uniform! :0)

Friend Reese is playing softball with her too (she also did cheer)

Great team!

Focused on the field :0)

Ready for the pitch...

Eye on the ball...

She nails it!  Running to first base...

Running from the outfield (far left)...

Towards home plate...just to get the ball (middle of pic)  :0)

Friday, April 19, 2013

17 MONTHS...

and busy!  Last week I went back to the bedrooms to make up beds and pick up a few things; I was back there maybe 10-15 minutes and I came out to find the "trail of destruction" below :0)  He'll pretty much go from room to room and tear things apart. Once he's created the mess, often times he goes back and finds what he wants...then he'll sit down and play.  Our little man is all boy:  loud, rough, messy and wonderfully sweet and generous with his kisses/hugs .

Quick stats:  Brandon now "bolts".  If we're in a store, he wants to walk...but that walk can quickly turn into a "bolt".  I've learned that if I need to get anything done, that I do not put him down :0).  He loves food.  Pretty much anything I give him, he'll eat.  He LOVES babies or other children.  Makes it hard for this mama to not have another ;0) Adores playing outside (parks are a big hit), says "thank you" all the time (so sweet!). Loves it when we go to pick-up sissy from school or when daddy comes homes from work, wants to talk with YiaYia and Popo all the time....oh, and he now picks up the phone and holds it with his head (you know, the "hand-free" way) says "hi...baby talk, baby talk, baby talk... bye" and then hangs up.  So, so cute!  LOVES playing with the keyboard and mouse on the computer and will sometimes tell me if his diaper is wet or dirty (fingers crossed that this helps when it comes to potty training!).  He is wearing size 12-18 months, weighs about 26lbs and is finishing up his last box of size 5 diapers.

We couldn't love him more...

Man, I'm so embarrassed...what a mess!

Okay...I'm too cute to be embarrassed :0)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Softball season is in full swing.  Practice started a couple weeks back (which is when these pictures were taken); unfortunately Boo missed the first game because she sick with yuckie allergy stuff :( ... then it was Spring break.  We have another game this Saturday and Bailey is thrilled because this year, she get's to wear "the purple uniforms!".    That's my girl...likes throwing the ball just fine, but is really more concerned about what she'll be wearing :0)

Each year, they start on the tee (at least for this age group).

Brother showed his support, by staying hydrated :0)

Sunday, April 14, 2013


A couple of weeks back, we took the kids to the Children's Museum.  They both had a GREAT time!  Bailey is just about too old for the place (they say the facility is set up for children under the age or 7 or 8), but she still had a lot of fun.  She gets a kick out of "fishing" in their pond, painting and playing with the moon dough.  Brandon loved it, because he was free to run everywhere and touch everything.  A toddler's dream!  :0)

Love this picture because you can see his teeth :0)
Double click to see the photo larger.

My handsome guys...

This picture cracks me up.
My husband...the ultimate "city boy" showing Bailey
how to milk a cow :o)
End of the afternoon...pooped out.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


and a lot of lip gloss!  Fun combination for our silly girl :0)

Friday, April 5, 2013


Handsome?  This mama is in trouble because her little man is just way too cute!  I have a feeling that with that sweet little face and beautiful blue eyes (don't get me started on his lashes...goodness!); he may just end up getting away with more than he should. Tom tells me he has a hard time disciplining Bailey because she's a girl, well...I have a feeling that this little man is learning how to "play me" pretty early on :0)  Combine that with the trouble fire that's in his eyes and the next 18 years should be interesting :0)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


This past week, Boo had a chance to participate in two egg hunts.  The first one (she's in the jumper and stripped tights) was with her class at school.  This was her third year at the school's egg hunt and (sadly) because they stop at kindergarten, it will be her last.  Super sad for all of us, but we're also very excited for 1st grade and our homeschooling adventure! :0)   I'm sure we'll still have opportunities to egg hunt next year....probably with the same group she did at the second egg hunt on Saturday.  It too was at First Baptist of Mableton and this one was extra nice as Daddy got to take Bailey.  Because he was working on Friday, he missed the school egg hunt and party...so for the second one on Saturday, I stayed home and let brother take a nap while Daddy and Bailey spent some time together :0)

All ready to watch Sissy get those eggs! :0)
Bailey and her friend Avery

Party time!  She ate 2 pieces of pizza at 11am :0)

This was her second hunt... she was a bit more aggressive, haha :0)

Grabbing one egg, while eyeing another :0)

Love that smile....