Sunday, March 8, 2009

Not a fish but....maybe a gymnast?

This Friday, Bailey had her first "Gymnastics class" (actually...I think they call it a toddler tumbling class). She did great! She showed no fear on the balance beam (they had one on the ground, one about a foot off the ground and the other about three feet off the ground...of course, I held onto her hands/waist for the two off the ground), she had no problem trying the obstacle course and she was even brave enough to allow the instructor help her over the bar! That's my girl! Her friend Evan joined her and, as always, the girls did great together :) I know one of my pictures below (of Bailey running) is fuzzy...sorry. I put it in, because I thought it was so cute. She ran all over the gym, she really enjoyed it :)

On the swimming, she did much better yesterday. She was not as anxious and she felt more relax when trying things. I tried convincing her to blow bubbles in the water but, she's not quite there..... yet :)

Hope your week was wonderful!

Love of love...


  1. Nacole, You have truly grown into a beautiful young woman, I see your mom in you very clearly.The last photo I have of you is on your wedding day, although I hadn't seen you many years prior to that. I do recall the week your mom taught you to hold your breath in the water. Your mom and I were living in this apartment in Riverside and it had an outdoor pool. that was not fenced. We had taken you in the pool early that day and was teaching you to blow bubbles to get you not to inhale the water when you put your head under the surface. We weren't sure the lesson had stuck, but later that day we found ourselves very thankful that you had learned that lesson as you were riding your tricycle around the edge of the pool and one of the wheels went over the edge of the pool and in you went landing at the bottom of the shallow end with your trike on top of you. Your mother had to run the distance of about 100 feet before she could jump in to pick you up from under the trike and bring you to the surface. To our thankful ears you came up crying because you had held your breath before you went under. I also from that day always knew I would teach my children to swim by the time they were two.And I did...Love, Aunt Shawn

  2. Nacole, You have truly grown into a beautiful young woman, I see your mom in you very clearly.The last photo I have of you is on your wedding day, although I hadn't seen you many years prior to that. I do recall the week your mom taught you to hold your breath in the water. Your mom and I were living in this apartment in Riverside and it had an outdoor pool. that was not fenced. We had taken you in the pool early that day and was teaching you to blow bubbles to get you not to inhale the water when you put your head under the surface. We weren't sure the lesson had stuck, but later that day we found ourselves very thankful that you had learned that lesson as you were riding your tricycle around the edge of the pool and one of the wheels went over the edge of the pool and in you went landing at the bottom of the shallow end with your trike on top of you. Your mother had to run the distance of about 100 feet before she could jump in to pick you up from under the trike and bring you to the surface. To our thankful ears you came up crying because you had held your breath before you went under. I also from that day always knew I would teach my children to swim by the time they were two.And I did...Love, Aunt Shawn

  3. Yea, Bailey definitely enjoys gymnastics! that was very obvious. she was so happy at class. WTG Bailey!!
