Saturday, February 13, 2010 the "SOUTH"...again?!

When we moved to Georgia I thought, "now I'll live in a warm climate". Yeah...this past winter has been wet, cold and snowy. Atlanta has seen two snow "storms" (really only 2-4 inches) since the beginning of the year. This last snow (last night) brought enough to do some sledding in our front yard. We don't own a sled so at first we used a box which actually worked pretty well for Boo...then one of our neighbors felt sorry for us and brought over one of their sleds to use. That made for a much faster ride....Bailey LOVED it :)

We also tried to make a snowman, but the snow was not packing so it looked pretty pathetic. You'll notice below, that I actually had to outline the shape so you'd know what you were looking at :)

I've added some pictures and a couple of videos. Wish each of you could have experienced the morning with us. It was chilly, but very pretty and a lot of fun. Bailey is coming into the age where her memories will stay with her; I'm thankful that she'll have this one.

Lots of love!

1 comment:

  1. looks like fun!! She looks so cute in her winter wear! :) Wish Evan enjoyed it a little more.
