Brandon had his 2 month check up today and he weighed in at 10lb 8oz (up 3 full pounds since birth!) and 22 inches. At this point, his sister was also 22 inches but a whopping 10lb 10oz :) Funny enough, since Brandon is a boy the 22 inches puts him in the 25th percentile where as Boo was always in the 75th percentile (in height).
The doctor thought our little man looked perfect and we had to agree :) He's hitting all the right milestones (on eating, sleeping, holding his head up, following us with his eyes, smiling, cooing, etc) and she was happy with the mass on his neck (which is starting to go down...or maybe the muscle is now starting to stretch out as his neck grows).
Brandon continues to be a super happy baby. He wakes up with a huge smile (which I'm not sure is for me or the fact that he knows that I'm going to feed him :) and his smile continues all day...even sometimes while he sleeps which is so incredibly sweet. His little thighs are so darn cute as they now have a couple of rolls on them. My favorite time is changing time because his belly is full of milk, so it's and nice and round, his thighs are out in the open and his naked little tush is exposed...oh my gosh he is so stinkin cute! For the last couple of weeks B has been at my favorite size where he snuggles in and fits just perfect in my melts me every time I hold him, especially since I know the time will pass so quickly. As I did with Boo, I'm being very careful to enjoy each and every moment; to cherish the time while it's here.
I took these pictures this afternoon and yes, no bib did equal spit-up :)
Man...I'm getting tired of all these pictures!
Really, I mean it! Put the camera down and no one gets hurt....
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