Our beautiful boy is 6 MONTHS OLD today! I cannot believe it. Actually...I can't remember life before our two miracles, but still...6 months old already! I say it often but, he truly is a wonderful, sweet, baby boy. He laughs all the time and he loves to sing. He cracks up when Mickey Mouse Clubhouse comes on TV and if he hears the song from Jake and The Neverland Pirates, he'll stop to listen. He's hair is really starting to fill out and his eyes are still blue (mine are brown and Tom's are blue so...who knows?!) He's now getting really good at sitting up and everything goes into his mouth. The cute thing about everything going into his mouth, is he looks like a baby bird. He'll focus in on something (be it a toy, his burp cloth or my finger) and he opens his mouth and then dives for it :) It's so incredibly funny!
Brandon is now eating baby food which just brings out more of the cute baby bird in him as he sits there with his mouth wide open, just waiting for you to put the food it :) Too, TOO cute!! On the food...so far he's had peas, peas with brown rice, sweet potato (his least favorite), squash, winter squash, apple mixed with squash (his favorite), pears (second favorite), apples and apples with blueberries. All of these from a jar. I've also given him very tiny pieces of banana which the first couple of times made him choke a little so I thought he wasn't quite ready for them but....turns out he just needed to try it another time or two; now he's got it down :)
Over the past month, he lost the last newborn attribute that he was still holding onto...which was gasping when then wind hits his face. I noticed this when we were walking into the art show at Bailey's school last month and it was windy outside...that he didn't gasp. Have to say...made me a little sad.
Newest thing, besides getting really good at sitting, is he now thinks it's really funny when he splashes in the bathtub :) I don't remember Boo ever doing this...but then again, I'm not sure that I really encouraged her to get water in her face. With Brandon (because swim lessons were such a big deal with Boo) I am determined to make him very comfortable in the water so...I'll hold him and let him sit in his little tub and he splashes all over and cracks up :) No teeth yet but (as you'll see in the photos below), we've got some really great drool going on! He's ped's appointment is on Tuesday, so I'll provide stats then but I'm guessing he's between 17-18 lbs and close to 27 inches. He fits size 3 diapers and 6-9 month clothes. He can still fit in his infant carrier but that only goes to 22 lbs so we may only get 9 months out of it (which really bums me out because I LOVE the snap-n-go stroller...man that was a great invention!).
So there you have it! Our second miracle, our wonderful, beautiful, perfect little baby boy is 6 months old today. It amazes me that you can love your children more each day but man...if that isn't exactly what happens.