Monday, August 13, 2012


The day has come...Boo is (in my eyes) officially a "big girl".  Today is the first day of kindergarten.  Kills me.  Time goes by much too fast.  I did pretty well dropping her off at class (didn't get teary eyed until I was driving home) but I lost it yesterday at church. 

Yesterday, Boo moved up from the preschool department to what our church calls "Studio K".  It's Sunday School for the big kids (K-5th grade).  The thing is, Studio K is in a separate building from our church...right behind it, like 20 steps, but still... a separate building.  At the beginning of service, they brought the Studio K kids into service and had them up front by the stage for worship.  I was able to see Boo up there, clapping her hands to the music, looking around, looking so independent, so grown up...and it killed me.  Actually, I'm tearing up as I write this.  It's so awesome to watch her grow, but really tough that it seems to happen so fast.  It's tough when you work while being a mom, because you miss out on moments and I think it makes time go by faster. 

On her end, Bailey seemed excited for school.  She wasn't too thrilled with Studio K (they watched a video that she didn't care for), but I'm sure that will change as time goes on.  Boo is a lot like me, we're not huge on change but, we both like adventure so...we're going to look on these changes, as adventure :o)