Sunday, September 16, 2012


We go to BRU (Babies R Us) quite a bit.  Have since Boo was born.  We don't buy a ton there, but I've always liked walking around the store.  For some reason, it just makes me happy :0) 

Towards the end of last year, BRU opened a new store in the Cumberland area.  It's great because it's huge and combines both Babies R Us and Toys R Us under one roof...which is perfect for a family with a kid and a baby.  There are tons of toys for Bailey to look at and just about every baby item ever invented.

Outside the front of this store, are these super cute concrete posts that were set in molds so they are shaped in these neat designs (one looks like blocks, the other a child...etc).  Boo always gets a kick out of standing on them.  I guess she likes being tall... or should I say, taller than she already is.  Pretty sure this little girl is going to pass up Mommy before she hits the 5th grade!  Then again, at my 5'2", that's not going to be too tough :0)