Thursday, September 12, 2013


Today, Bailey's homeschool group got together for a Science Day.  The kids got to learn about the principles behind solid, liquid and gas with three different experiments. The pictures below show some of the kids in attendance today; if I had to guess, there were probably 35 HS aged kids 10+ younger siblings (this particular HS group has more kids, some could not make it today).  To do their experiments, the kids broke up into smaller groups of 6 or 7 per table; after they were done, they had lunch. SUPER fun! :0)

Brandon cracked me up, he so desperately wanted to
be a big kid...he walked himself over and sat down with the group :0)

The kids really liked this one...they got to see the gas in the bottle
inflate the balloon :0)
The kids dropped an Efferdant tablet in some water, to watch the change
from solid, to liquid and then gas (the bubbles). 

Eating lunch...once again, Brandon wanted to join in
with the big kids, even though he had already eaten :0)

Little man's favorite thing, was finding the pulpit so he could
preach like Yia Yia :0)

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