Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Just a typical morning wake-up, except usually he has his bink in his mouth but...he must have already chucked that over the side of the crib :0)   He's usually awake several minutes before I go and get him (I can see him on the video monitor).  Most mornings he sits in there and talks to himself before I go get him, some morning he'll talk and then start "bouncing".   :0) 

The small cloth you see in his hand, is actually what we call his blanket.  He sleeps with it every time he's in his crib; he'll put it both in his mouth and over his eyes (both my babies will cover their face/eyes to sleep).  It's so small because I gave it to him when he was about 8 weeks old and I was afraid that a full size blanket would be a hazard; guess it's time to "upgrade" to something larger.  Then again, I guess he could always carry this one around in his pocket :0)