Saturday, November 3, 2012


The Siver family, is having some computer issues!  Main, what a pain those really is such a blessing and a curse!

Here are a few pics from Halloween.  Bailey was a cat this year.  Actually, we got very lucky with this costume as Boo wore it when she was 3 (only it was a dress then :0).  I was thrilled when she said she wanted to be a cat this year but I'm guessing that next year we'll actually have to break down and buy the girl a costume.  Then again, who my family we were really good at using Dad's work clothes and being a hobo :0)

This was the first year that Bailey actually went trick-or-treating.  We had been to the mall before, and last year I guess we did a little at Walt Disney World however, this was the first year she actually went around a neighborhood and went door-to-door.  We went with her friend Reese, in their neighborhood.  It was a GREAT time!  They live in a very nice, family friendly neighborhood and I wish I would have taken pictures of the streets, because you would have been able to see the nice/cute homes with the small well manicured lawns and well behaved kids and families (tons of them) walking the neighborhood....VERY Norman Rockwell.  It was awesome.  Brandon didn't dress up this year, it was a little chilly so I bundled him up and he snuggled in as I wore him around the neighborhood; he had a great time watching the kids.  Next year he's going to be Mickey Mouse :0)

Below, first two pictures are of Boo at school and the last one is with Reese before we started trick-or-treating (I took Bailey's coat off for the picture).