Saturday, November 24, 2012


Our little man is 1 year old!  Hard to believe...but Brandon Elijah turned one last week, November the 19th.  We've been at Disney for the past 10 days, which is the reason for no posts.  I'll post tomorrow about our trip :)
Brandon experienced his first cupcake and his first haircut on his birthday.  Both were a huge success (except for the hats, he didn't like those....really hated the "first hair cut" Mickey ears as you'll see below :).  His birthday lunch was at the Crystal Palace where the characters from Winnie the Pooh visit you.  He LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the characters.  All of the them that we ran into...he LOVED them all.  It was incredibly cute.  Most babies his age cry at the characters, so I think even the cast members were made happy by his response to them.  All he wanted to do was to grab them and give them kisses :)
Our little man is not walking, but he started pulling himself up about a week after he turned 11 months.  He now pulls himself up on anything...the fireplace, the dishwasher, mama, his sister...anything :)  At first he would get upset when he fell back on his bum, but now he's pretty use to it :)  If I hold his fingers and encourage him, he'll will take a step or two;  he also has a couple of push toys that he'll take a step or two with.
His sister said more words then he does at this age, but he does this super, super cute baby talk that she did not do.  The words he does say are:  mama, dada, yia-yia, bye-bye, hi, that, na-na (for banana), ni-ni (for night-night) and ba-ba (for his bottle).
So far, Brandon has shown himself to be a better sleeper (naps) than Boo and boy do I pray that this continues!  He is happy, energetic and a huge crack-up.  I can't even remember life before him...every once in a while I look at a picture and when I realize that it was taken before I was even pregnant with him, somehow the picture doesn't even seem real.  Is as if life didn't even exist before him.  Our family truly was not complete without him.
Happy Birthday little man!  We love you!!!