Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Summer weather means sprinkler fun...

The one great thing about Georgia's really hot weather?? Water fun! Sprinkler, pool, whatever...anything water related in a big hit during these horribly hot dog days of summer.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Playtime with Evan!

Last week, Evan came over to play. Bailey loves her friend. She's always so excited to see her. It's been fun watching the girls grow, to see them change in who they are as people and how they interact. They are beautiful little girls.

Double bonus for us...after Evan came over during the week, we got to go over to their house on Saturday for lunch! Glenna went above and beyond and made us a really good lunch (still craving those fries you made!!) and the girls again enjoyed some playtime while Tom and I enjoyed our time with Tony and Glenna.

Friends are such a blessing....

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Happy Father's all the Daddy's we know but, especially to my beautiful hubby and my own wonderful father. My two favorite men. I praise God for both of you daily. Bailey loves you both (so much) as well. Her Popo is her tool-man hero and her Daddy is her favorite playtime pal (he's the "fun" I guess I'm the "mean" one). Below is a picture from a nice snow day back in February (yes, I'm very hot today so a snow picture made me feel better :)...


Saturday, June 19, 2010

The end of VBS

Friday wrapped up the last day of VBS. Bailey had a great time this week. She knew most of the kids in her class, so they had a lot of fun together. On Wednesday night, our church had family night and, to follow along with the cowboy theme, they had pony rides which Bailey loved. She even decided to be brave and let mommy walk away while she rode the pony around in the circle by herself (brave for both Bailey and mommy :).

On Friday, the outdoor activity was with sprinklers. A HUGE hit in the 90 degree Georgia weather and the snack included lemonade...a first for Bailey. I've described that as a love-hate was tart so at first she'd pucker as though she hated it, then she'd smile and say "mmm" and ask for more :) It was pretty cute to watch.

Lots of love to you all!

Monday, June 14, 2010


This week is VBS (vacation bible school); it's a cowboy theme called "Saddle Ridge Ranch". I took the week off so I could volunteer. Bailey was suppose to have been in a different room then myself (I was suppose to be in with the 4 year olds) but, they ended up moving up several children that were three so, Boo was with me. This, at least, allowed me to take some pictures :)

The morning was fun (VBS is 9:30am to 12noon but when you volunteer you're actually there closer to 9a to 12:30p). The only tough part was the fact that it was just plain HOT outside so, when we did our outside activities, we all wore out pretty quickly.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Even though it was ridiculously hot and sticky in Georgia today...Bailey was more than happy to put on a winter hat that she found in her closet today. I guess fashion really can come before comfort! :)

Lots of love to you all!

Hey...this hat is cute!'s starting to get a little itchy...

Seriously...can I take it off now?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Nap time with Bear...

Bailey loves her bear. She's slept with him since she was around 10 month's old (or I guess we should say she's slept with "her" because if you'll ask her, bear's name is Kelly....I have no idea why :). Bailey often gives the bear, what we fondly call, "aggressive lovin". That's when she grabs the bear tight and squishes the bear into her face. Then she'll ask why the bear is all wet and I have to tell her, "it's because you've slobbered all over him" :)

Bailey's pretty good about sharing her toys but...don't touch the bear. She tried to share him one time with Evan; that lasted all of about 10 seconds :)