Wednesday, September 28, 2011


We have a new "family member" we hope only stays for a short visit :)

A groundhog has taken up residency under the shed in our backyard! Over the years, we have had the standard birds, squirrels, chipmunks and snakes. We've also had the occasional possum, raccoon, hawk (in our pool...twice!); we've even had a snapping turtle and a deer. But this little guy (or gal) seems to want to stay. So far, it's been 3 days...3 days that we know of. We've researched getting rid of it (what I mean by that is encouraging the groundhog to find another home...we wouldn't actually harm it as it appears to be no threat) but found out that there is a slight chance that there might be baby groundhogs so we'll wait a few weeks and see if it/they leave on their own.

Boo thinks the animal is kind-of neat and does the neighbor's cat! Guess we'll have to see what happens :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Today we went to the county fair. The weather was great and we got there before the gates opened so we were the first in line for the rides. We go every year on the day that they have free admission and free rides (the rides are free for the first hour). The crowds were really light for the first 30 minutes so Bailey got to ride a good 8 or 9 rides during that free hour. We spent $3 to park, $1 for her to go down a bouncy slide (not part of the free rides) and $1 for food to feed the goats at the petting zoo. Pretty good deal for a wonderful morning of fun! Oh...and in the pictures below, Boo forgot her sunglasses so she's wearing mine. Hers are not quite that big :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I hear those beautiful words at least 5x a day...."Mommy, do you want to play with me?". Tom hears it the moment he gets home from an appointment, " you want to play?". Next to "I love you", I think those have to be the most beautiful words. Sadly however, I am often busy (or lately) just too darn tired to play and my beautiful girl has to play on her own. She does well playing on her own but, it's not how I want it to be. The reason for this is simple...the day will come (and I'm afraid all too fast for me) when she won't want to play with me.

Glenna and I were talking about this, this past week. Before we know it...our girls will stomp off to their rooms and close their doors. Gone will be the days of, "Mommy, do you want to play with me?". It's coming much, much too quickly for me. Both Glenna and I were "good girls". We weren't rebels, we didn't get into or cause trouble but still, we both hit that phase in our lives when our mothers knew nothing and we had no desire to spend time with them. breaks my heart to think that someday Boo will feel that way about me. If you could see me now, you would see my face covered with tears. Honestly...this part of motherhood sucks. No one warns you for the day that your children won't want one warns you for the day that your children won't (really) need you. Even though it's your job to raise a confident, able and independent one warns you just how much that part of the job will hurt.

So...for now, I'm grabbing all the moments I can. I drag my tired self up or put the work aside for a few to say "Yes baby girl, I would love to play with you".

Saturday, September 17, 2011


I reached 30 weeks more than 10 weeks to go (at my age, they don't expect you to go full term). Below are some belly pics that I took this morning. Sorry, the color is funny (the middle one my flash went off) and...apparently I needed to clean the bathroom mirror :0)

According to the websites, baby is about 15.5 inches from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet and weighs almost 3 pounds. Between now and week 37, he will gain approximately 1/2 pound per week and grow another 3 inches (at 37 weeks, the baby is considered "full term"...which simply means that they probably would not stop labor if the body started). I am starting to get pretty uncomfortable and find myself making (grunting) noises when I get up or down from sitting or when I roll (yes, you have to roll yourself) out of bed. Ahh...the "beauty" of pregnancy. Oh that and....the hormones are back! I have had more than a few "not so friendly moments" lately :( But...all of this for what we are trusting God for...a healthy baby.

Because I am 40, I am considered (very) AMA (advanced maternal age). Isn't that a lovely term? :) I was AMA with Boo because she was my first child and I delivered her when I was 35 but...with this guy, they are watching me closely. I've started going to the OB every two weeks with ultrasounds at 28 weeks and then again at 32 weeks. Starting at 34 weeks, I go to the OB 2x a week with an u/s weekly. Hey...I guess we'll know for sure that this little guy is definitely a boy!

Lots of love to you all...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Both of these videos are (unfortunately) very short but...I could not upload any that were larger (the blog site wouldn't allow it). At least with these, you'll get glimpse of what our little guy does every night around 9:30pm. Like his Mama...he's busy! :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I've been crazy busy this past week and a half...which is why I haven't had a chance to post. I'm usually up before 7am and don't sit down (except for at the computer to work) until after 9pm. It amazes me that I've gained any weight this pregnancy...let alone the large amount that I have! Crazy!!

Today is 9/11; I hate this day. I'm not one to typically use the word hate but.... I hate this day. I hate the fact that I live in a world (that I am bringing up my children up in a world) where people fly planes into buildings. A world where people carry guns into malls, restaurants and schools and just start shooting. I hate that people are so angry and that God is the now a four letter word. I hate this day. It makes me want to hide up in our home...actually, it makes me wish I could buy my own island or (at least) 500 acres in Montana where I could shield my family and close friends off from the rest of the world. I hate that I have this fear and I am reminded on the verse that my mother tells me often, "God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" 2 Timothy 1:6-8. I need to remind myself of this verse often because, quite honestly, I am a fearful person. There are days that I am afraid to drop my daughter off at school because I'm not there to protect her, there are times I don't ask Tom to run to the market because I'm afraid that someone will crash into his car, I'm afraid when my parents fly out to see me because their plan could could go down and today...we had to go to the mall to return some stuff and I found myself looking for exits because I was afraid (with it being 9/11) that we may need to get out quickly. I hate this day. But I am so thankful for that verse in 2 Timothy and I hold onto that and do my best to push past my fears.

Yesterday we spent the day as a family at Stone Mountain. The weather was beautiful. We got there just before 10am and stayed until 4pm. Around 2pm it started to get pretty darn warm but, before then, it was just about perfect. We joined the thousands walking and viewing the booths at the Daisy Festival and then we ended the day at the Stone Mountain playground. I'm in my seventh month, so I was hurting pretty good by the time I put Boo to bed but was a really nice day. It was a great way to push past the fear...