Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tip Toe through the Tulips

The tulips in our yard came up this week and are now starting to open up. Tulips are my favorite flower so I was excited to show them to Boo. Now Bailey looks out the kitchen window with me and points with excitement at the pretty flowers :)

We've had a great week. Nothing new to report, but extremely blessed none the same. Below are some pictures from this past week.

Love to you all!

Don't you wish you could still bend down like that! :)

Bailey making her "fish" face :)

She thought her socks looked better on Piglette!

Beautiful giggles....

Mommy and Bailey.... a "self" portrait (in other words....holding the camera out in front of us :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Disney colored glasses...

Bailey showed me, yet again today, that she really is my daughter. She has this don't get dirty, shopping-bug, look at the pretty clothes character trait that she did not get from me (that would be a YiaYia trait) but, like her momma, she loves everything Disney. Today we had some really great weather so Bailey and I walked around the yard. I kept an eye out for those nasty bugs (bees, wasps, etc) while she walked on the grass and looked at the flowers. She was looking at the monkey grass by the front walk of our home and I heard her say, "Mickey Mouse!". I bend down to see three little berries, in the shape of Mickey Mouse. Now, you have to understand that the dimension of these three berries put together was about 1/2 inch but, to those of us who wear the Disney colored was plain as day :o)

Lots of love to you all!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's a wonderful life....

Our daughter is pretty amazing. Actually, very amazing if you want our honest opinion :o) She's a funny, bright, sweet, amazing little person. She's constantly changing before our eyes and while it's been hard for this mom to watch her baby grow so quickly...I have to say that it is pretty awesome to watch :o)

Here are some funny things that have happened lately....actions and words:

* Bailey calls the elevator at the mall, an "alligator". Which is funny because she really does have a very expansive (and well spoken) vocabulary so when she says those funny little "baby" words, those cute little mix-ups, I make sure to take note. I love them!

* She found it rather odd this week when I put a pair of Capri pants on her; she kept pulling the legs down and looking at me with this curious look on her face as if to say, "hey, what the heck is wrong with these short pants!?"

* We were out in the backyard this week and she found a flower (okay, it was a weed but hey...who am I to point that out?); she reached down to pick it up and found it attached to the ground to which she announced that it was, "stuck".

* The other day, a little boy followed her around the play ground at the park. He was older and a bit loud, now (several days later) at the most random moment she'll look at me with a bit of a frazzled look on her face and say, "boy loud!". Cracks me up every time.

* She finds it funny to feed her baby doll and then try to burp her...she'll tell the baby, "excuse you"

* One of my favorite things, is her little girl voice and the excitement she uses to communicate with. It is the best thing ever! The other day, I went out for a work appointment and Bailey stayed home with Tom. I came home (Bailey and Tom were in a different room and could only hear me, not see me). Tom, knowing of course it was me, said to Bailey, "guess whose here!" which my beautiful baby girl announced in her sweet little girl excited voice, "YIA YIA and POPO!" (aka my parents). No baby's just me. Plain old mom :o)

Pictures below are from this week, Bailey playing with her tea set that Yia Yia and Popo gave her. Notice how she makes sure to match the right cup with the right (color) saucer :0)

Hope you've had a wonderful week!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Like Mommy....Like Daddy....

I'm sure Bailey is like most two year olds....she's very curious and always learning so, she's always watching and trying. Each night at bath time, after I've soaped her up and washed her off, she plays and I wash my face. While washing my face, I use an old black headband to hold back my hair and a face cloth to wash my face. Bailey watches this, and this week she came into my office with my old black headband on her head and was using a wipe (from her diaper bag) to wash her face. It was pretty cute :)

A couple of days later, Bailey was watching Daddy shave his face and she thought it would be fun to try. We gave her the shaving cream, but stopped just short of allowing her to use the razor (just kidding :)

Hope your week was wonderful!

Oh... an update on swim lessons. Saturday went really well (except for the fact that the pool was freezing). Bailey got up her nerve and blew a few bubbles in the water! Yea!! I've signed her up for some additional lessons over the next couple of weeks so she'll be in the pool 3x/wk instead of only 1x/wk. I'm hoping this will help her feel even more comfortable with the idea of learning how to swim.

Lots of love to you all!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Not a fish but....maybe a gymnast?

This Friday, Bailey had her first "Gymnastics class" (actually...I think they call it a toddler tumbling class). She did great! She showed no fear on the balance beam (they had one on the ground, one about a foot off the ground and the other about three feet off the ground...of course, I held onto her hands/waist for the two off the ground), she had no problem trying the obstacle course and she was even brave enough to allow the instructor help her over the bar! That's my girl! Her friend Evan joined her and, as always, the girls did great together :) I know one of my pictures below (of Bailey running) is fuzzy...sorry. I put it in, because I thought it was so cute. She ran all over the gym, she really enjoyed it :)

On the swimming, she did much better yesterday. She was not as anxious and she felt more relax when trying things. I tried convincing her to blow bubbles in the water but, she's not quite there..... yet :)

Hope your week was wonderful!

Love of love...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Life Lesson....

When a 2 year old tells you she has to blow her nose....

Never let her get the tissue, herself.

Lesson learned.... :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I'm a little girl...not a fish.

Before having Bailey, before I was even pregnant with her actually, I had always planned to take my children to swim lessons early on. Even though Bailey is only 2, in my eyes we're getting a late start; I would have rather started by 6 months. Having said that, time goes fast so here we are, age 2, starting our first set of swim lessons. Saturday was the first class (this class is 5 lessons, Saturdays for five weeks); it went pretty well however...Bailey definitely made sure that I knew that I was not to let go of her for one moment. By the end of the class (about 40 minutes) the brave girl in her came out and she stood on the edge of the pool to "jump" in (really it was more of me lifting her back into the water but Tom and I made sure to make a big deal out of it, praising her as if she had dove in). I'm excited to see how she reacts to the next class....we're going to blow bubbles in the water in preparation for going under the water (something Bailey has never done). I'll let you know how it goes!

Lots of love to you all....