Sunday, August 30, 2009


We've had a good week except for a minor incident at Chick-fil-A. Boo was playing on the playground and misjudged where her hand was...she fell and caught the side of her face on the (hard) stair :( Poor baby. She immediately looked at me and said "owie" and then started to cry. Breaks your heart when that stuff happens. I explained that it was an accident, that she had simply misjudged where her hand was (I only explained this because we are continually telling her to focus on her really is a miracle, that there have not been bigger boo-boos!). So, for the rest of the night she kept looking at me with this sad little face and saying, "misjudged?". My sweet baby girl. This was yesterday; today's she's totally over it and running around (again) like a crazy woman.'s a good thing I color my hair because those greys are definitely coming!

Love to you all....


  1. awww, poor Bailey!! ugh, those booboos are rougher on us mommies than they are on the kiddos sometimes.

  2. Meron got her first black this week, too!


  3. Sorry to hear about Meron's boo-boo...I'm telling ya, head full of grey hair soon! ~
