Sunday, February 26, 2012


Actually, the seat below is called a Bumbo, but (at first) Bailey was calling it the "Dumbo":) This seat is specially designed for babies who cannot sit up on their own, but whose neck muscles are strong enough to hold their head up (the back of the seat is really high up so it supports the baby in a sitting position).

We put Brandon in the Bumbo for the first time this past week. He looked like such a big boy! Truth be told, he was only able to sit in there for a few minutes before his head got too heavy for him and he started to lean/fall forward. My guess is he'll be an old pro at the seat in a few weeks.

While we had him there, we tried a few bites of cereal. He actually did very well with it. Much better than Boo (it took her a week or two before she figured out how to actually swallow it :). Even so, I think we're going to wait a couple of weeks and then try cereal as part of his daily diet. The few bites we gave him seemed to have upset his tummy a bit so we'll wait until we're closer to the "traditional" 4 month start date. For now I'm increasing his formula intake to keep up with his hungry little tummy. He's already up to an average of 32oz a day! What a little man!

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