Saturday, January 19, 2013

14 MONTHS...

Wow...why does time have to go so fast?  Our little man is already 14 months old!  I've said it before, but I'll keep on saying it...Brandon is a wonderful, wonderful joy.  He is SUCH a crack up and so, so sweet.  I love it when he says hello to someone.  He waves his squishy little hand and in this high sweet baby voice you hear, "hi".  Soooo sweet.

Brandon talks to me.  It's pretty funny.  He'll yell for me if he's in a different room; actually, he'll yell for me if he's in the same room but is focused on something else so he doesn't realize that I'm right next to him :0)  He'll go "MAMA" and then baby babble, baby babble.  Melts me every time.  As sweet as he is, he also had quite the temper and really no patience at all.  It's my daily prayer over him.  That he be considerate and slow to anger.  Unfortunately he picked up this no patience and easy to irritate trait from his daddy.  Did I say Daddy?  Well, okay... he got it from me ;-)   Bummer for the little man, I know.  From his father, he is learning football.  He knows that if daddy walks into the living room and grabs the remote, chances are a football game will show up on the big box....and with sissy, he's learned that being chased by her is just about the funniest thing ever :0)

Brandon loves to read books.  His favorite is "How Do Dinosaurs Clean Their Rooms".  He will sit in your lap and let you (or should I say make you) read this book 6 or 7 times. Loves the silly thing.  He also LOVES to tear apart the tupperwear in the kitchen.  We have two large baskets (one for lids and the other for the bottoms) that he can completely empty and spread all over the kitchen floor in 2 minutes flat.  Nice thing is, he'll play with them for the 30 or so minutes it takes me to make dinner so, those tupperwear baskets really have been a life saver :0)

Our little man wears size 12-18 month clothes, size 5 diapers and weighs 24 lbs.  He is a speed crawler and walks along walls, cupboards, appliances, pant legs like it's no one's business.  Newest trick for this past month....steps!  Yep, our little man has taken his first steps!  Two weeks ago he took 2 steps and then this past week, he took 8 of them.  He's growing so fast.  His hair is a dark blond and his eyes are still a pretty blue. His belly and cute little thighs have leaned out some, but he still has these deliciously fat little hands and a rubber band roll at his wrist.  He has 4 teeth on the top and 3 on the bottom.  He eats just about everything, but really seems to like cheese, bread, ice cream and sweet fresh fruit (i.e. nectarine).  He faced his first flu this month and while it was a yuckie one, Praise God he's doing well.

The picture below was taken a month ago.  I had put him in his highchair so I could take care of a couple of things in the kitchen. He was finishing off a couple of cheerios when I stepped into the office (one room away) to send off a quick work email.  I could hear him saying "Mmmm"  "Mmmm" in this cute little baby voice.  Started off on a high note and trailed off as if he was really enjoying his cheerios.  Two minutes later I came back into the kitchen to find that our little man was not enjoying his cheerios, but rather a cookie that he had grabbed off the kitchen counter.  Little stinker.  Can't really blame him though...the sweet tooth?  Yeah, that's another trait he got from me :0)