Thursday, July 17, 2014


This week, both kiddos have swim lessons and they are both LOVING them.  It's been a lot of fun.  We've been blessed with some really nice weather...which is a good thing as the lessons are in an outdoor pool :0)

Brandon really has very little (if any fear) of the water.  Knock on wood, but I think he's finally gotten over the "let's see just how wide I can open my mouth" when I dunk him, which is very nice as he's no longer gasping when he comes out the water :0)  With his lesson, I'm in the water with him.  He and I are both enjoying the experience.

Boo is simply having a GREAT time.  She really loves the pool.  The only tough part of the lessons for her, is the fact that she can't swim and splash around too much (the instructors actually give them a good amount of grace) while the other kids are having their one-on-one time.  They are jumping off the diving board, which she LOVES.  Right now she still uses the life vest, but as soon as she figures out how to take a breath while swimming, she'll be good to try it without.  As for taking a breath while swimming... she is so, so close.  Almost there.  We're working hard to get that down, before seeing YiaYia and Popo at Disney in a few months :0)

Our sweet swimmer girl...

Having SO much fun!

Lovin the new glasses :0)

LOVE those lashes!

Sweet boy was so tired after one he
is, trying to "watch" Mickey Mouse :0)

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