Wednesday, March 16, 2011


This week, Bailey started Tball. Technically, they call it softball but they do start out on the T. It was really cute to watch. Bailey is the youngest in the group and she really has no idea what's she's doing so, it was pretty sweet :) The coach explained that the first half of the season, they spend most of their time asking the girls to stop playing in the dirt. Bailey was no exception...she spent sometime in the "outfield" and after about 2 minutes realized there was tons of dirt (and rocks and sticks...) around her to play with :)

They learned how to throw and catch, how to hit and how to round the bases. Now...saying all that, the girls were asked to run the bases and Bailey was about the 6th girl to go (they let one girl go and then about 1/2 way to first base, they'd let the next girl go).'s Boo's turn and she's about 1/2 way to first base when she realizes that a couple girls are almost to second so...she cuts over and starts running to second. Then, half way there, she realized that a few girls were almost to third so...she cuts across and heads towards third. I'm guessing you can imagine what happened next :) That's right...she saw another girl heading towards home plate so she cut across again and headed home. It was hilarious. I wish we had brought the video camera. Another time, the coach had Bailey hit the ball and then told her to drop the bat and run to first. Well, Boo hits the ball and drops (actually throws the bat)...then she sees her ball and she runs towards it, picks it up and holds her hand up in victory. It was too funny! Maybe we'll bring the video camera next week :)

All in all...she was pretty tired by time practice was over (then again, practice was for an hour and it doesn't end until 7pm), but she seemed to have a good time.

Trying to figure it all out....

The helmet did not come close to fitting her head...
Yia Yia says Boo must have Uncle Jeff's big head :)

She looks so little next to the big girls!

She found the dirt....

Stopped playing with the dirt and watched for the least for a couple of moments :)

Running to keep up with the bigger girls...
Our little player... :)

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