Sunday, May 22, 2011


Saturday, we spent the day at the zoo. It was a lot of fun and we had a GREAT time! Bailey is 4 years old; when she was 2 we had a season pass however, we have not been back since then. It was amazing to see just how much more she could do/understand during this last visit. We could really see what a big girl she's becoming. The zoo had added a couple of new exhibits, which was really nice, and while it was pretty warm (close to 90 I think) by the time we left around 2:30p, for the most was really comfortable.

I'm now 13 weeks and the second trimester officially begins on Tuesday. Here is some amazing information I came across:

Your baby is actually quite large by now, a whopping 3 inches long in some cases and weighs in at roughly .7 ounces. By 13 weeks pregnant your baby's intestines are working on maturing and your baby's tiny pancreas is working hard to produce insulin. This will help your baby regulate her blood sugar levels in the months and years following delivery.

Your baby's eyes also start to move closer to the center of your baby's head. The head can move easily from side to side and up and down, and the facial features are starting to form. Your baby's arms have almost reached final proportion and length, though the legs are still quite short relative to the baby's body. At 13 weeks pregnant, your baby can now probably flex its arms and kick its legs. He or she may also be able to put a thumb in his or her mouth, although the sucking muscles are not yet completely developed.

The sockets for all twenty teeth are formed in the gums, and vocal cords are beginning to form. Other things happening at this time are the appearance of fingernails, the beginnings of fingerprints and footprints, the start of vocal cord formation, the appearance of visible ribs. The trachea, lungs, stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestines are developing into their final functioning form.

It's that amazing?!

As you can tell...Mommy took all the photos this trip :)

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