Thursday, July 19, 2012

8 MONTHS....

Our little man is 8 months old today!  Time continues to just fly by much, much too quickly.  I've said it before, but it's so true that I have to say it again....Brandon is a joy.  He's such a wonderful baby: very happy, lots of snuggles and wet kisses...just awesome. 

These past few weeks we've seen a few milestones:  he now rolls from his back to his tummy (he's rolled from his tummy to his back for the past 4 months, but was really fighting the other direction :), he can wave hello and the first tooth has started to peek through!  He's not crawling yet, but he can scooch backwards on his belly and he does rock when I put him on his hand/knees so I think forward movement is coming soon!  Physically he is VERY strong...much stronger than I remember Boo being.  I now pull the side railing of the crib up at night, just in case he decides to start pulling himself up.  Next milestone is a sippy cup.  The boy LOVES drinking water so I'm going to buy a cup this weekend and let him try that out.  His talking has really picked up and he loves to dance :)  Oh...and as you'll see by the last picture below, sometimes (if he's really concentrating on something) he sticks his little tongue out to think.  So cute!! Lots of fun things with this special guy!

Our little man is growing and changing daily...and as sad as I get because it's all going so fast, I'm also so excited to watch him turn into the person that he's going to be.  I have a feeling that Brandon Elijah is going to be one special person...

Man this hand is good...
Mommy is so funny!

Thinking hard :)