Friday, October 19, 2012

11 MONTHS...

Here we are!  Our little man is11 month's old.  He is wonderful, beautiful and just about the most delicious thing ever!  He has become the master crawler and even though I keep "pushing" him down (I'm not ready for him to walk!) he is very close to standing.  We're going to Disney next month, so I'm really hoping that walking can wait until after then :0)

Brandon is at the age/stage where he puts almost EVERYTHING into his mouth.  I took the pictures below, in a matter of 5 minutes and I think I missed a couple of items! :0)

Our little man currently wears 12-18 month clothes, is in size 5 diapers and when I stood with him on the scale this past week, he was 24 lbs.  He found his talking voice this past month and like his daddy, can be very...very loud :0)  When you watch him, you can tell he's really soaking everything in.  He's interested in everything.  Loves stacking blocks, will actually push the ball back to you and only stops drinking his bottle if he hears Jake and the Neverland Pirates come on TV :0)  

Happy 11 months little man!  We are simply crazy for you...