Sunday, October 28, 2012


Someday, we will have horses.  It's always been a dream of mine and I hope that at least one of my children will share that passion.  Bailey expresses an interest, often, in getting a pony...but then again, what little girl doesn't? :0)   My prayer is that when she hits 11 or 12, we will be in the position to "add to our family".  I would love nothing more, than to take early morning rides with my girl...or my little guy if Brandon ends up being the one bitten by the horse-bug.

Tom tells me that Brandon "will love sports"...because he loves sports.  Well, if that's the case...then one of my children "will love horses".  He can stay inside and eat chips and yell at the TV.  I'll take the kids out, ride and explore. 

He may beg to differ but, I think I'd be getting the better end of the deal :0)