Monday, December 17, 2012


Last week, Boo got to wear her PJ's to school.  They had a Christmas PJ party.  The kids wore their PJ's and were allowed to bring a stuffed animal, blanket and pillow.  They ate popcorn and watched Christmas movies (a little learning was including...but mostly it was an "all fun" day :).

I got really lucky last year (or maybe it was even the year before that) and picked up these super cute Christmas pajamas at Gymboree on clearance.  They were super cheap which is why I'm thinking it may have been 2 years ago....I'm known to buy things really big, IF they are super cheap :)

Bailey had a lot of fun.  She took her stuffed reindeer (she wanted to bring her bear...but mama said "no way"...goodness, if we had lost that thing!) and a super fluffy blanket.  Such a neat day for her! :)