Thursday, September 19, 2013

22 MONTHS...

and he calls me Mommy.  This past couple of weeks, our little man has started to call me Mommy.  Most of the time it's Mama (which I love)...but from time to time, I now get a Mommy (which I also love :0). Brandon's baby voice is so sweet, melts me every time.

Stats:  Brandon is now 34 inches and 28 pounds; according to the grown chart, he's 50% for weight and 65% for height.  He wears a size 6 diaper and size 18 -24 months in clothes (a few 2T fit him as well).  Feet are still wide (possibly extra wide) and he is currently a size 5.5.  His eyes are still blue and his hair is now a light brown.  He has 13 teeth, including 4 molars.  He'll eat anything in sight and I've found very little that he doesn't like (except milk from a cup...having a tough time with that one so he still gets 2 bottles a day).

Our little man's vocabulary continues to increase: now, when he says good-bye, not only does he say "bye-bye" and then "take care"...but he's tagged on "see you soon". Very cute.  When I put him down to sleep, I'll tell him nigh-night and he tell me, "nigh-night, take care, see you soon".  Then I whisper, "I love you" and he tries to whisper that back.  Melts me.  Oh...and every night, as I pray with my children, I tell them "You are a beautiful, wonderful, child of God".  I've done this with Bailey since she was around 2 years and Brandon since birth.  Now, because he knows what I'm going to say, Brandon get's so excited to hear me say this.  You can tell that he's trying to figure out how to say the words because he'll mutter some sounds (bink in his mouth of course) and then when I get to the word God, he smiles and shouts GOD!  Love it.

Boo has her school desk in the office/play room and Brandon loves to sit there.  He really likes to color (pens, pencils, crayons... he likes them all).  Little man is so sweet that he'll crawl up on one of the chairs (there are two) and he'll say "Mama" and then try and pull out the other chair because he wants me to sit next to him and color.  He's such a sweet, sweet baby.  This morning, he was watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (loves the show) and he didn't want me to leave.  He wanted to sit with me and watch the show. Again...sweet, sweet baby.  He brings me so much joy.

On the flip side, Brandon definitely has my patience level...which means, zero.  He lets you know what he wants (can you say stubborn?) and if he doesn't get it, well...let's just say that he's not so sweet :0).  I love his strong willed nature through.  As YiaYia always told me, strong willed children typically grow up to be leaders.

Lastly, our little man LOVES being outside and going anywhere in the car.  I'm lucky if I make it past an hour (after waking up in the morning) before he's saying "outside" or "bye-bye".  He loves to be on the go.  Gets that from his Mommy as well :0).   This video was from earlier this week.  The kids were playing outside in the water (Bailey had already gone in).  They usually play in the water table and small baby pool, but I discovered the mist function on the hose and that was a huge hit!  (edited:  just added a second short video from earlier in the day where he is "helping" sissy)

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