Saturday, October 19, 2013

23 MONTHS...

Just call me...Mr. Independent.  Don't get me wrong, Brandon is still very much a mama's boy (which I, of course, love...).  He is unbelievable sweet.  Incredibly generous with his kisses and squeezes (hugs).  Looks for me and is thrilled to see me, every time I leave the room.  But....he also loves to do things on his own. From trying to open jars, to cutting apples (no, I don't allow him to really cut the apple), to riding the carousel at Disney by himself (I, of course, was next to him holding him...but when I tried to ride the horse with him, he promptly fussed, pointing to the ground, and said "Mommy, sit down").

Our little man's vocabulary continues to grow.  I thought Bailey would be the strong communicator and while she did have a couple of more words at this age...Brandon is not far behind, very close actually.  He still does his sweet little baby talk and his newest word (started a few weeks ago) is "welcome".  So if you say, "thank you" to him...he'll say "welcome".  Sooo, soooo sweet!  He still adores his sissy and loves playing with her, but now he'll come to me and tell me "sissy share", when Boo is not sharing with him :0)   He also does something that Bailey never did (maybe that's because she had more of my attention, being an only child), but if he wants me to do something specific (usually to go somewhere or do something with him), he take his sweet little hand, grabs onto me (my hand or sometimes just my pants leg) and pulls me where he wants me to go.  And he. strong.  I've been amazed since around 14 or 15 months, at just how strong he is.  Speaking of his hands, they are changing.  They used to be short, stubby, fat little hands (so sweet); now they are a bit leaner and his fingers a little longer.  The rubber band role, that was his wrist, is all but gone (crying here).  Our little man is changing.

Almost two, Brandon continues to show himself more of a mini-me.  He doesn't really look like me, but boy...can he act like me.  He can be passionate with giving his loves, but he is also furiously independent/very strong willed, he's very hands-on and if he's hungry or tired...goodness, watch out as all h*ll might break loose because a melt down is just around the corner.  Yep, he's alot like his mama :0)

Blurry...but I love the eye and those sweet lips (melt)...


Our sweet boy...

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