Sunday, August 19, 2012


Today our little man is 9 months old.  He's a wonderful, soft, squishy, lots of wet kisses and crooked smiles 9 months old.  He has these wonderful fat short little hands that reach out and grab me...well, actually they grab at everything :o)  He's not hands and knees crawling but he does scooch backwards on his belly and sort of "bounce" forward if he's sitting down on his tush.  I'm taking him to the ped. on Tuesday but, if I had to guess, he's somewhere between 21-22lbs.  Right now he's wearing 9 month clothes and size 4 diapers.  I'm having to switch him from the infant carrier to a "big boy" car seat and that's killing me.  A major milestone that starts his move him away from baby and towards toddler.

Brandon's eyes are still blue and his hair still dirty blond (it seems to lighten pretty easy in the sun so if we've been out of it for a few days, it looks darker).  He goes to sleep with his bink, but is fine if it falls out.  I don't let him have when he's not sleeping.  I figure the bink alone may be a big enough habit to break; why make it worse?  He likes to play with toys and really likes it if sissy is playing next to him.  He actually misses her when she's at sweet is that?!  Still loves food and can now eat puffs on his own.  Actually, if I break a cheerio into 2 or 3 pieces he does fine with that but I give him puffs because I don't have to watch him as closely (makes it much easier if we're in the car).  He will sit in his highchair have a handful in his mouth and a few in each little fat stubby hand (seriously LOVE his little hands!!) and he'll be looking at you like "yeah...need more of these please" :o)  The kid LOVES drinking from a water bottle...a sippy cut?  Not so much.

Newest "trick" is his "smile" when I try to take a picture.  If I point the camera at him and tell him to smile...he squeezes his eyes shut :o)  Examples are below.  So, here we are... 9 month's old and 9 months deeper in-love with this beautiful, wonderful little man.

No way mama...not showing you my eyes! :o)

Not sure what this face is can see the teeth :o)

I think he's trying to wink here :o)

Trick was to have Tom stand behind me :o)