Saturday, September 1, 2012


Some days, when I'm trying to squeeze in a little more work, I'll sit Brandon in his highchair next to my desk.  If I'm lucky, this buys me another 15 minutes but it's becoming a little more tricky as he's constantly watching the computer to see if I'm going to Skype YiaYia and Popo.  I have a feeling as soon as he can put a few words together, we'll be making even more calls and spending more time on Skype.  However, he's going to have to fight Sissy on this one because if you ask her...they are still "her" YiaYia and Popo and Brandon's, well...not so much :o)

Hmmm...think I can get YiaYia on this thing?

Maybe if I hold it this way...

LOVE the lashes!!

Super LOVE the "smile" :)