Saturday, September 8, 2012


Become the big kid on campus?  Earlier this week, I went to pick Boo up from school; she goes to school at local church where they have nursery school (age 3), preschool (age 4) and kindergarten (age 5).  They also have mother's morning out for babies.

Bailey started at age 3 in nursery school and I can remember picking her up then and watching the kindergarten class play on the playground (they're typically the last class out and they're usually playing while the younger kids are being picked up).  I remember thinking that they looked liked such "big kids". it's Boo's turn.  As I picked her up from school, that particular day they had lunch bunch where parents can pay to have their children stay and eat lunch, the kindergarten class was leaving the playground and the teachers were bringing the 3 year old class down for some more playtime outside.  Bailey and her friends looked so big compared to these little ones and I sat there in my car thinking...when did this happen?  When did she become the big kid on campus?  Right now, as I type, she's sitting the kitchen playing with Play-Doh and, in her little girl voice, she's having fun using her imagination.  Soaking up every moment of this as I know that too soon, my beautiful girl will be "too big" for Play-Doh and her little girl voice.