Tuesday, March 19, 2013

16 MONTHS...

Hey little man... you're 16 months old and what an amazing 16 months its been!  You are SUCH a huge blessing to our family; you give us SO MUCH joy!  We praise God for you each and every day.

Brandon turns more into little boy and less baby each day.  Some days I put him down for a nap and I swear he wakes up looking different.  I may have to stop letting him sleep!

Little man still loves to read, dance, play with blocks, cars, noisy toys and any sort of electrical cord (yep...we have to watch him closely with this one).  He falls down or runs into things daily.  The left side of his head may have a permanent bruise from all of his bonks!  He still fits 12-18 months clothes (although I think this will change soon) and he now has 11 teeth that have broken through, including 3 molars!  This past month we've discovered the park which he LOVES and his newest thing is cleaning lint out from his toes.  Silly boy, he'll focus on his feet looking for any small piece of fuzz for several minutes!  It's a crack-up :0)

Brandon still does his "Mama...baby talk, baby talk, baby talk", but he's also branching out on new words.  He's becoming quite the talker!  Guess he's just trying to keep up with this "quiet" family :0)

Also celebrating today?  Uncle Jeff.  Happy Birthday Uncle Jeff, we love you! :0)