Wednesday, April 3, 2013


This past week, Boo had a chance to participate in two egg hunts.  The first one (she's in the jumper and stripped tights) was with her class at school.  This was her third year at the school's egg hunt and (sadly) because they stop at kindergarten, it will be her last.  Super sad for all of us, but we're also very excited for 1st grade and our homeschooling adventure! :0)   I'm sure we'll still have opportunities to egg hunt next year....probably with the same group she did at the second egg hunt on Saturday.  It too was at First Baptist of Mableton and this one was extra nice as Daddy got to take Bailey.  Because he was working on Friday, he missed the school egg hunt and for the second one on Saturday, I stayed home and let brother take a nap while Daddy and Bailey spent some time together :0)

All ready to watch Sissy get those eggs! :0)
Bailey and her friend Avery

Party time!  She ate 2 pieces of pizza at 11am :0)

This was her second hunt... she was a bit more aggressive, haha :0)

Grabbing one egg, while eyeing another :0)

Love that smile....