Wednesday, June 19, 2013

19 MONTHS...

and wonderful.  Our little man turns 19 months today and he is sweet, funny, impatient but (most of the time) easy to please, a wild man, a cuddler, a huge fan of the water, his toys, babies or other kids, food and his family.  He is wonderful.

Brandon Elijah now prays.  It's the cutest thing ever.  This started about 4-6 weeks ago; he'll hear me say it's time to pray, and he'll clasp his thick little hands together.  Kills me.  For a couple of weeks, I thought he was squirming while I was trying to pray over him at night (most nights he's laying across my chest down onto my left arm when I pray for him)...then one night it was a bit early so the daylight was still peeking through the curtains and I could see him:  He was trying to get his sweet little arms around my arm so he could clasp his hands together and pray.  Makes me tear up now just thinking about it.  Such a sweet, sweet boy.

Brandon is a lover.  He will give me squeezes, and I mean REAL squeezes, full-on real tight hugs.  He'll give me kisses and he'll run up to me saying "mama, mama" and bury his head into my legs or chest (if I'm standing or sitting).  He loves to sit with me and read.  Still loves the "How does a Dinosaur" books...he'll sit for a good 20 minutes and listen to me read them.  When you ask him, he can point out a cow, pig, horse, duck, bird and lamb.  He loves to tell you what a cow, bird and duck say :)

Polite.  This sweet boy says "thank you" all the time.  He also tells people "hi" and "bye" which can hurt because people are often so busy (in public) that they miss this sweet baby talking to them so he just sits there and sweetly stares at them, waiting for a response.  Of course I realize that not everyone else's lives revolve around my little man as mine I respond for them :)

Brandon still adores sissy and he genuinely gets excited when daddy comes home, or when he gets to call YiaYia and Popo on the phone.  So far, there's not really any foods that he doesn't like and he's a dare-devil so there are not too many things that he won't try.  His vocabulary and comprehension has really picked up this past month; you can really see him starting to form into a little boy.

19  Happy "birthday" little man.  We love you.

This was his first time at the sand table so...lots of concentration :o)