Friday, November 1, 2013


Last night, our family (minus daddy who, unfortunately, was still at work) ventured out with some friends for some fun trick-or-treating.  Boo LOVES this activity and the competitive side of her came out because before we knew it, we were running from house to house.  Now, this was a bit tricky seeing as how baby brother figured if she got to trick-or-treat, then he should get to trick-or-treat, which of course meant getting him out of his little car (with the camera slug around my neck) and trying to hold his hand (I say "trying" as Mr. Independent wanted to do everything on his own...including trying to walk up and down some of the steep steps going up to these homes).

For Halloween, Bailey wanted to be a "princess robot".  Where did that come from, you might ask?  I. Have. No. Idea.  So...I did my best to make a "princess robot" costume (unfortunately you can't really see all the glitter on the box in the photos below).  This costume however, made it very difficult for her to hold her candy bag, so for the first half of our hour trip, I was holding her bag...her brother's bag...the car...the camera... and the baby :0)  Boo then decided that she no longer wanted to wear the costume and asked me to carry it.  Hmmm... "how will I do that?", I asked her.  "With your other hand", my sweet one said :0)  Lucky for her, this neighborhood had a couple of new homes being built and the contractors had a large dumpster in one of the yards so... away went the box.

Thankfully, there was no rain...the weather outside was perfect....and the kids had a lot of fun.  This particular neighborhood goes all out, with a lot of the homes decorated (some were a bit spooky for Boo) and tons of candy (see pic below).  Brandon LOVED going up to EACH house (next year, I'm not carrying a camera or pushing a little car) and he got a kick out of reaching into the containers and picking out a piece of candy.  If the homeowner put the candy in his little bag, he would stand there until he got to pick one and put it in his bag... in his mind, that was trick-or-treating :0)

Eating his chicken form dinner...

Every house we went to agreed...
he IS wickedly handsome :0)

Thrilled that the box was off :0)

Oh my gosh...really, from one hour of trick-or-treating?
These are gallon zip bags...all chocolate on the left with
candy only on the right.

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