Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Big Chicken and Daddy

Bailey loves spending time with her Daddy. Actually, if you ask her, she'll already tell you that Daddy is the fun one :) I think Tom is priming her for the teen years; while he may be prepared to grill (or should I say scare) the boys that come to pick her up when she's ready to date (which we're thinking should be around 23), I know that he still wants to be the "fun one". They'll be playing and sometimes he's laughing so hard that I need to come check on him, not Bailey. They have a great time together; it's hard to really know whose having more fun, him or guess, is it's a pretty close tie.

Our little angel, growing so quickly. This year, she's learning to say "Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus" and I think she's starting to grasp that Santa is "magic" and that he may bring her a gift or two :)

Oh...and as for the "Big Chicken", we have one of these in Georgia. Actually, I think you're still considering visiting if you live in Georgia and don't know about the "Big Chicken" ( When Tom and I first moved to Atlanta in 2003, we moved a few miles down from this landmark so we were "locals" pretty quickly. Anyway....the other day Bailey and I were in that area of town. I could see Boo in my rear-view mirror (in her carseat), but I wasn't sure if she could see the Big Chicken from where she sat. All of a sudden, I saw her get this big smile and she laughs and says, "look at that" :) Funniest thing to see/hear! She's all of 22.5 months old and she's laughing at the Big Chicken and saying "look at that". It was one of those great moments, that I think I'll always remember.
Love to you all.

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