Friday, May 24, 2013


Last night, our sweet girl graduated from Kindergarten.  For the past three years, Bailey has been apart of the preschool program at First Baptist Church of Mableton (FBCM).  I cannot begin to tell you just how much we loved it there.  Each teacher was wonderful. Bailey learned a lot, not just about her ABC's and 123's...but more importantly, about Jesus.  This last year was no exception.  Her teacher, Mrs. Lana, was such a blessing. When Boo was in nursery school (her first year), I would often bring my laptop and work in their "cafe" area.  I loved it as it allowed me to be close to Bailey and peak in from time to time (I could see through a window where she could not see me); this was important to me those first few months that she was in school (note that SHE did absolutely was Mommy who had the tough time).  I would be working and Mrs. Lana would walk by with her students; even then I loved her.  She was always so kind with her kids, but you could also tell that she made sure that rules were understood.  I prayed then, that she would still be there when Bailey got to Kindergarten.

The ceremony was a killer.  Each year I've cried when the graduating class walked across the stage (sad, I know) and this year (as you can imagine) I was a mess.  Tried hard not to sob, but couldn't do much about the tears.  There she was, the little baby that I had begged God for, the little baby whose tiny sweet lips I would kiss, whose little hand (still) fits into mine, whose favorite thing to do is to spend time with me...there she was walking across the stage.  Man, it was tough.  I know that this is only kindergarten, but I could see the future and it's coming so fast.  I can see her asking to use the phone to call friends, I can see her wanting to wear make-up and learning to drive a car, I can see her graduating from high school and then college...and I can see her walking down the isle.  So, I cried.  I finally got it together, and then they sang the schools "goodbye" song (it's a song where the students sing about the fun they've had at FBCM and that it's now time for them to move-on)....yep, lost it again. Of course, it didn't help that a friend from church whose son was in Bailey's class (he's the blond boy singing next to Bailey below) was sobbing behind me....:0)

Extra special part of this evening, was that my parents were able to visit.  Bailey adores her YiaYia and Popo.  Her relationship with them is so special and that is such a blessing considering that they live in Washington state and don't get to see her often.  Another blessing is that Brandon seems to be following her in that...he too adores them.

Congratulations baby girl.  We are so, so incredibly proud of you and truly could not love you more.

Teacher, Mrs. Lana.  We LOVE her.

Director of the school, Mrs. Becky.  She is wonderful.

Unfortunately, Boo's face was pretty well hidden here (she's at the top)

Singing the school's "goodbye" song.  Killed me.
YiaYia and Popo

Special gift from YiaYia and Popo

Our big girl...

With her school friend, Avery.

First day at FBCM (August 2010) sweet baby girl!

School picture

Hopefully you can double click on this one...
I LOVE Bailey's expression :0)